The NeuroAffective Relational Model for Healing Developmental Trauma
Introductory workshop to the NARM training
This workshop provides an overview of developmental trauma from the perspective of the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) and introduces participants to the basic concepts of NARM's theoretical and clinical approach.
NARM combines psychodynamic and somatic approaches to the treatment of developmental trauma. With an inherent understanding of the functional unity of biological and psychological development inherent in both concept and methodology, NARM works with early patterns of attachment loss that deeply influence our identity, our emotions, our physiology, our relationships, and our behavior. The approach is resource-oriented, non-regressive, non-cathartic and non-pathologizing. Working simultaneously with these different aspects on both the physical and psychological levels of being human is a significant expansion of perspectives for working with both relational and attachment traumas.
Participation in the Introductory Workshop is recommended while it is not a prerequisite for participation in the NARM Training.
Topics covered
The reciprocal relationship between nervous system dysregulation and identity distortion
The five basic biological needs and their developmental psychological significance
The function of adaptive survival strategies in regard to unmet basic needs
The five adaptive survival strategies in NARM, their corresponding identity distortions and how they influence adult life
Working in present time, the significance of dual awareness and somatic mindfulness
The implicit intention of emotions and their psychobiological completion
The four pillars of process work
The NARM healing cycle and integration top-down and bottom-up
Orientation: the 2-year NARM training course
The methodology includes presentations, practical exercises in small groups, self-awareness, demo sessions, questions and answers, discussion.
English with parallel interpretation in Greek.
Michael Mokrus
Heller, L. & La Pierre, A., Healing Developmental Trauma: How Early Trauma Affects Self-Regulation, Self-Image, and the Capacity for Relationship
2012, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California
Introductory Workshops (2022)
11 & 12 June 2022
The Introductory Workshop will be held on-line
Working hours: 10:00 – 18:00
There will be small breaks morning, evening and noon.
€ 220. Early bird (extended) registration / payment up to 12/5/2022
€ 260. Registration from 13/5/2022
8 & 9 October 2022
The Introductory Workshop will be held live in Athens. Venue to be announced.
€ 260. Early bird (extended) registration / payment up to 25/8/2022
€ 300. Registration from 26/8/2022
Working hours: 10:00 – 18:00
There will be small breaks morning, evening and noon.
Registration - Payment
Registration is effected by filling-in and sending as soon as possible*, via e-mail (narmgreece@gmail.com), the Application Form accompanied by the Bank document concerning the transfer of the relevant fee.
The fee should be transferred to the following Bank Account:
National Bank of Greece
ΙΒΑΝ: GR10 0110 7150 0000 7150 0186 359
Beneficiary: Zoe Paradomenaki
Please make sure that YOUR NAME and INTRO22 are stated on the Bank document.
* Availability is limited and applications will be handled on a first-come first-served basis.
Cancellation policy
For cancellations received in writing up to 16/5/2022 50% of the payment will be refunded. No refunds apply after this date.
For participants who did not show up without prior notification, there will be no refund.
Introductory Workshop (2019)
8 – 10 November 2019
Friday 8/11 & Saturday 9/11 working hours: 10:00 – 18:00
Sunday 10/11 working hours: 10:00 – 15:00
Ionic Center, 11 Λυσίου Street, 105 56 Plaka, Athens. http://www.ionic.gr/
€ 350.
For payment up to 25th of July (early bird): € 320.
Cancellation policy
For cancellations received in writing up to 10/9/2019, 50% of the payment will be refunded. No refunds apply after this date.