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Integrating Dramatherapy With the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM™) for Healing Developmental Trauma
Danai Karvouni
How the Neuro-Affective Relational Model (NARM™) expands the Psychotherapeutic Landscape
-About Subjective Depth and the Effectiveness of Process-Orientation-
M.Sc. Psych. Tobias Konermann
Why NARM™?
So why NARM™? What is it that therapists can learn during a NARM™ training that is different from other trainings.
Beate Leisse, Dr.Med., Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist
Presentation in the electronic magazine Psychographimata
Training in the NeuroAffective Relational Model - NARM™ Approach Developmental Trauma Therapy
Zoe Paradomenaki Schillat , Dipl.-Psych., ECP, EuroPsy, Clin. Psychologist Psychotherapist, Certified NARM™ Master Psychotherapist
Perceived Effectiveness of NeuroAffective Relational Model Therapy in Treating Characteristics of Complex Trauma
Suzie M. Gruber , Phyllis K. Stein , Brad J. Kammer, and Laurence Heller
Introducing a Revolutionary Diagnosis:
Complex PTSD is Now Recognized!
Brad Kammer, NARM™ Faculty Trainer
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